Join us on Tuesday, October 8th, at 8am GMT / 9am CEST / 12:30pm IST / 6pm AEDT when Vincent Caldeira, Red Hat, Clemens Jütte, Humanitec, and Luiz Fernando Almeida de Oliveira, Red Hat, will discuss Promoting InnerSource Practices with an Internal Developer Platform.

InnerSource Summit 2022

InnerSource Summit 2022

Registrations are Now Open

16th & 17th November 2022 - online

Join us at the world’s leading gathering of InnerSource practitioners.

Get Your Ticket Now!

InnerSource takes the lessons learned from developing open source software and applies them to the way companies develop software internally. The InnerSource Commons (ISC) is the world’s largest community of InnerSource practitioners, who have come together with the goal of creating and sharing knowledge about InnerSource. You can join the community on slack.

We come together at our summits to learn and share experiences. Join us there to…

  • Hear about global trends in InnerSource.
  • Learn from others who are on the journey of InnerSource adoption.
  • Share your own experience and meet like-minded people, all of who are passionate about making InnerSource a success within their respective organizations.


Click here to register for the InnerSource Summit 2022. There are three ticket options for the summit:

  • Community ticket (free): for the ISC community and those who can’t afford a registration fee
  • Community ticket with T-shirt ($35): access all sessions and receive a commemorative T-shirt after the event
  • Corporate ticket ($300): for those with corporate travel or training budgets who want to support InnerSource Commons. Includes a commemorative T-shirt. Formal invoices / receipts can be provided upon request for this option. Once you have ordered your tickets, full details of how to access the event will be emailed to you one week before the event.


If you want to reach the global InnerSource audience while supporting the work of the InnerSource Commons Foundation, we have also added an option for you to sponsor the Summit on the ticket page. For $2,000 you will be listed as an event sponsor in all the materials related to the event. We will thank you at every opportunity, and your logo and brand will be forever associated with this fabulous event through the videos that will be shared with our growing community for years to come.

In case you need any more convincing, we’ll also send you a goody bag with a selection of our popular InnerSource Commons T-shirts and stickers to share with your employees.

Formal invoices and receipts can also be provided for sponsors.


Our summit is planned over multiple time zones so we look forward to seeing you there, no matter where in the world you are sitting. The summit will comprise of 2 x 3.5 hour sessions, each timed for our community in particular regions. Each session will have a unique set of speakers in two tracks that run simultaneously. One registration covers both sessions, and we hope many of you will join us for both.

  1. Part 1 is timed for Europe, Africa, East Coast US, and early birds on the US west coast: (Wed 16th Nov UTC 3-6:30pm / CET 4-7:30pm / EST 10-1:30pm / PST 7-10:30am)
  2. Part 2 is timed for APAC, Europe, Middle East, & Africa: (Thur 17th Nov UTC 7:30-11am / CET 8:30 -12pm / IST 1- 4:30pm / AEST & CST 6:30 -10pm)


Part 1: Wednesday, November 16th

UTC 15:00 - 18:30 - Timed for Europe, Africa, East Coast US, and early birds on the US west coast.

15:00 - 15:15 Welcome to the Summit
Including an address by Danese Cooper, ISC Chairperson, Daniel Izquierdo, ISC Vice President, and ISC community member Addie Girouard
15:15 - 15:45 Myrle Krantz (Apache Software Foundation)
Keynote: Myrle Krantz will give us a deep dive on The Apache Way, the principles of which InnerSource Commons is also built on.
TRACK 1: Tools, Proocesses & Approaches TRACK 2: InnerSource Culture
15:45 - 16:00 Russell Rutledge (Wellsky)
Continuous InnerSource in Production (5 times) (Show Abstract)

Natalie Bradley (GitHub)
Foundations of InnerSource Culture (Show Abstract)
16:00 - 16:15 Katie Schueths (Indeed)
InnerSource Sleuth: Identifying Your Pain Points (Show Abstract)

Richard Anton (Amazon)
When Technical Solutions Are Not Enough to Scale Internal Collaboration (Show Abstract)

16:15 - 16:30 Georg Link (Bitergia)
Metrics for InnerSource (Show Abstract)

Yaryna Hotlib (Playtika)
Expanding of Contribution (Show Abstract)

16:30 - 16:55 Q&A Q&A
16:55 - 17:15 Break - 20 mins
TRACK 1: InnerSource Stories TRACK 2: Regulations, Legal & Security
17:15 - 17:30 Bill Higgins (IBM)
How InnerSource is transforming IBM's Watson (Show Abstract)
Brittany Istenes (Fannie Mae)
Leveraging OSS contributions in a secure InnerSource model (Show Abstract)
17:30-17:45 Shruti Bist (VMware)
Building InnerSource mindset and tools using Design Thinking approach (Show Abstract)

Max Capraro (Kolabri) & Oliver Treidler (TP&C)
Transfer Pricing for InnerSource – Done Right (Show Abstract)

17:45 - 18:00 Guilherme Dellagustin (SAP)
InnerSource is a marathon, not a sprint – the SAP Journey (Show Abstract)

Chamindra de Silva (Citibank)
InnerSource Licences in Financial Services (Show Abstract)

18:00 - 18:25 Q&A Q&A
18:25-18:30 Wrap up Day 1

Part 2: Thursday, November 17th

UTC 07:30 - 11:00 - Timed for Asia Pacific regions, Europe, & Africa

07:30 - 7:45 Welcome to the Summit
Including an address by Isabel Drost-Fromm, ISC President and Clare Dillon, ISC Executive Director
07:45 - 08:15 Simon Wardley (DXC Leading Edge, inventor of Wardley Mapping)
Keynote: Simon will share how Wardley Mapping can be used to help InnerSource strategy.
TRACK 1: Tools, Proocesses & Approaches TRACK 2: InnerSource in Context
08:15 - 08:30 Suzanne Daniels (
The real artist in InnerSource (Show Abstract)
Matthew Cobby (Deloitte)
The secret to successful adoption of Developer Platforms (Show Abstract)

08:30 - 08:45 Dmitrii Sugrobov (ISC Member)
Tools and Practices for Successful InnerSource Collaboration (Show Abstract)
Mishari Muqbil (Zymple)
InnerSource and Antifragile Teams (Show Abstract)

08:45 - 09:00 Tom Sadler (BBC)
Decision Making at Scale (Show Abstract)

Sebastian Spier (Meltwater)
InnerSource is like Sourdough (Show Abstract)

09:00 - 09:25 Q&A Q&A
09:25 - 09:45 Break - 20 mins
TRACK 1: InnerSource Community TRACK 2: InnerSource Stories
09:45 - 10:00 Claude Warren (Aiven)
The Impact of Cultural Relativism on Building Cross Cultural InnerSource Communities (Show Abstract)

Harleen Kaur (Microsoft)
InnerSource at Microsoft's DovOps Dojo (Show Abstract)

10:00 - 10:15 Yuki Hattori (Microsoft)
Learning from the launch of the InnerSource Commons Japanese community (Show Abstract)

Shagun Bose (Intuit)
InnerSource at Intuit: Lessons learned from adopting at scale (Show Abstract)

10:15 - 10:30 Danese Cooper (InnerSource Commons)
Building an InnerSource Career (Show Abstract)
10:30 - 10:55 Q&A
10:55 - 11:00 Wrap up & Event Close

Speaker Bios

Bill Higgins photo

Bill Higgins (IBM)

Bill Higgins is Director of IBM’s foundational AI technologies, Watson Core, and an IBM Distinguished Engineer. Bill has worked at IBM since graduated from Penn State University in 2000. Bill has led many impactful transformation initiatives at IBM, including in the areas of Agile, DevOps, IBM Design Thinking, and AI. Since 2019, Bill has been leading an organization to create a new foundational AI stack, Watson Core, that combines the best of IBM Research AI technology and open source AI technology, and can run anywhere, from hyperscalers to on premises to edge devices. Bill lives in Raleigh, North Carolina with his wife and children. He is originally from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Brittany Istenes photo

Brittany Istenes (Fannie Mae)

Brittany Istenes started off her career as an elementary school educator which then led to a path of technology. Brittany has led advisory councils, open source ambassador programs, open source contributions, InnerSource initiatives and all the gray areas in between at scale within large companies. At Fannie Mae, Brittany is sharing these best practices for OSS, InnerSource and community with the teams at Fannie Mae. Her main goal is to create a frictionless developer/centric environment where not only are we creating the best products for our customers, but we are doing so in a way that is better, faster, secure and more innovative within the FINTECH world.

Chamindra de Silva photo

Chamindra de Silva (Citibank)

Certified Technical program manager and Solution architect with deep end-to-end expertise from business vision to technical execution. Have a background running Open Source projects that have received awards from Sourceforge and FSF and am presently running a leading Inner Source project in Citibank applying Open Source principles and best practices. Code and content contributions to Apache, Google Summer of Code, UNDP IOSN networks, Akura and Sahana projects. Past involvement and contributions to associations such as UNDP IOSN, IEEE-CS, AsiaOSS, OSI (Open Source Initiative), ISCRAM, W3C EIIF Incubator Group. Published articles and papers in CACM, IEEE, IDRC, UNDP, UN ESCAP and CMI. Co-Author of Book on Open Source Software Engineering.

Clare Dillon photo

Clare Dillon (InnerSource Commons)

Clare Dillon is the Executive Director of the InnerSource Commons Foundation and secretary of the FINOS InnerSource Special Interest Group.. Clare has spent over 25 years working with developers and developer communities. Clare has been involved with InnerSource Commons since early 2019, when she helped set up NearForm’s InnerSource practice. Before that, Clare was a member of Microsoft Ireland Leadership Team, heading up their Developer Evangelism and Experience Group. Clare also works with OSPO++ Network to support the establishment of University and Government Open Source Program Offices and OSPOs++ globally, that can collaborate to implement public policy and trustworthy public services. Clare frequently speaks at international conferences and corporate events on topics relating to the future of work, innovation trends and digital ethics.

Claude N. Warren, Jr. photo

Claude N. Warren, Jr. (Aiven)

Claude Warren is a Senior Software Engineer with over 30 years experience. He is currently employed by Aiven in Galway, Ireland where he works on their Open Source Project Office with particular emphasis on Apache Cassandra. He has managed project migration in an InnerSource project and worked on teams that assist management in understanding how their projects got into the red, how to get them green again, and how to keep them there. He has presented papers at several conferences and has several papers published both in the popular IT press and in refereed journals.

He is a founding member of the Denver Mad Scientists Club and winner of the original Critter Crunch competition.

Danese Cooper photo

Danese Cooper (InnerSource Commons)

Danese Cooper is the founder and chair of InnerSource Commons. She is a long term open source advocate, having previously served as the of head of open source software at PayPal, CTO of the Wikimedia Foundation, chief open source evangelist for Sun, and senior director of open source strategies for Intel. Danese was also the inaugural chairperson of the Node.js Foundation. She concentrates on creating healthy open source communities and has served on the boards of Drupal Association, the Open Source Initiative, the Open Source Hardware Association, and she’s advised Mozilla and the Apache Software Foundation. Danese also runs a successful open source consultancy that counts the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the SETI Institute, Harris, and Numenta as clients. She’s been known to knit through meetings.

Daniel Izquierdo photo

Daniel Izquierdo (Bitergia)

Daniel Izquierdo Cortazar is a researcher and one of the founders of Bitergia, a company that provides software analytics for open source ecosystems. Currently the chief data officer at Bitergia, he is focused on the quality of the data, research of new metrics, analysis, and studies of interest for Bitergia customers via data mining and processing. Daniel holds a PhD in free software engineering from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, where he focused on the analysis of buggy developers activity patterns in the Mozilla Community. Daniel serves on the board and is a Member of the InnerSource Commons.

Dmitrii Sugrobov photo

Dmitrii Sugrobov

Passionate engineer with years of InnerSource experience. Official member of InnerSourceCommons Foundation. Volleyball player and yacht skipper.

Georg Link photo

Georg Link (Bitergia)

Georg Link is an Open Source Strategist. Georg’s mission is to make open source more professional in its use of community metrics and analytics. Georg co-founded the Linux Foundation CHAOSS Project to advance analytics and metrics for open source project health. Georg is an active contributor to several open source projects and has presented on open source topics on many occasions. Georg has an MBA and a Ph.D. in Information Technology. As the Director of Sales at Bitergia, Georg helps organizations and communities with adopting metrics and making open source more sustainable. In his spare time, Georg enjoys reading fiction and hot-air ballooning.

Guilherme Dellagustin photo

Guilherme Dellagustin (SAP SE)

I’m a former software developer and now I work as InnerSource Officer at SAP. In this role I combine my passion for Open Source, knowledge sharing and continuous improvement to drive the adoption of InnerSource in the company.

Harleen Kaur photo

Harleen Kaur (Microsoft)

DevSecOps specialist with one and half decade of experience in IT industry specialized in leading cross domain delivery engagements focussed on enabling the customers embark on their DevOps journey by adopting modern as well as secure practices. I joined Microsoft in January 2020. Prior to joining Microsoft, I have worked in organizations like Hewlett Packard, MicroFocus, Infosys Ltd . During my tenure in these organizations, I have played different roles ranging from Network Engineer, Developer, QA Consultant, DevOps Engineer, Product SME, Customer Success Marketing Manager. One thing which has remained constant all these years is my zeal for Learning as I moved from one role to another.

Isabel Drost-Fromm photo

Isabel Drost-Fromm (Europace)

Isabel Drost-Fromm is Open Source Strategist at Europace AG Germany. She`s a member of the Apache Software Foundation, co-founder of Apache Mahout and mentored several incubating projects. Isabel is interested in all things FOSS, search and text mining with a decent machine learning background. True to the nature of people living in Berlin she loves having friends fly in for a brief visit - as a result she co-founded and is still one of the creative heads behind Berlin Buzzwords, a tech conference on all things search, scale and storage.

Katie Schueths photo

Katie Schueths (Indeed)

Katie leads the InnerSource program at Indeed. She is a proud incentive development nerd who loves building communities. Prior to working in InnerSource she helped build the Open Source Community at IEEE SA OPEN. She is an active contributor to the CHAOSS Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Badging Project. On weekends, she goes camping as often as possible and has a love for coffee and books. Katie also spends her free time running operational logistics for volunteer-run community art events.

Matthew Cobby photo

Matthew Cobby (Deloitte)

Matt Cobby is a Director of Engineering at Deloitte where he specialises in Platform & Product Engineering. He has a personal mission to help engineers be more productive and be happier in life which led to his interest in InnerSource. Matt has been working on DevOps transformations in the financial service industry for the last 15 years spanning Pensions, Treasury, Trading and Banking and has most recently been working on platforms to enable developers to deliver value at pace. Previously he was an Engineering Manager at National Australia Bank, leading the NAB Cloud Guild where he trained 7000 engineers, built an engineering culture and specialised in capability uplift of organisations at scale. Matt has many years experience as a DevOps tool-smith helping teams achieve Continuous Delivery and has worked in the UK, Germany, Slovakia and Australia.

Maximillian Capraro  photo

Maximilian Capraro (

Dr. Maximilian Capraro is a co-founder of Kolabri, where he helps companies kick-start and scale their InnerSource programs.

Max is a member and assistant treasurer of the InnerSource Commons Foundation and served two terms on its board of directors. He is also a (part-time) engineer at DATEV eG where he educates on InnerSource and co-founded one of the firm’s most successful InnerSource projects.

Back in academia, Max performed over six years of research on InnerSource and consulted companies including Siemens, Continental, and Black Duck Software. He developed the patch-flow method for evaluating and auditing InnerSource success in large organizations. Max holds a doctoral degree from FAU Erlangen, Germany.

You can reach Max at

Mishari Muqbil photo

Mishari Muqbil (Zymple)

Mishari Muqbil has a strong technical and management background and has been part of various open source communities for almost 30 years and is passionate about getting people together to openly collaborate on solving difficult problems. Presently he is an InnerSource coach, helping companies bring open source ways of working in house so that their technical teams experience a collaboration method that feels smooth and natural.

In his professional career, Mishari has helped clients ranging from Fortune 500 companies, SE Asian Unicorns to Non Governmental Organisations and small start ups.

Mishari is also the vice chairman of the OpenTech Thailand Association, a non profit being set up to advocate for contributing to open technology projects in Thailand.

Myrle Krantz photo

Myrle Krantz (Apache Software Foundation)

Myrle Krantz is Director of Engineering at Grafana Labs. She is also a former Board Member and Treasurer of the Apache Software Foundation where she drove a number of changes including the empowerment of volunteers using financial tools. Myrle chaired ApacheCon EU 2019 making it possible to hold a European event to celebrated the Foundation’s 20th anniversary. An American immigrant to Germany and the mother of two daughters, Myrle loves to jog and hike.

Natalie Bradley photo

Natalie Bradley (GitHub)

Ms. Bradley is experienced in the implementation and adoption of new technologies to Enterprises. As a trusted adviser and partner to her clients, she works closely to understand their biggest challenges to define strategies and solutions, implementing those strategies to support their ultimate vision and mission.

Building from her career in emerging technologies, Ms. Bradley has supported large Enterprise and USG customers in their initiative to implement new technologies, increase usage and knowledge of these tools while helping to build a more collaborative culture. As a leader of Customer Success Architects, she helps to create best practices and methodologies that improve the effectiveness of the organization and transform their business model.

Oliver Treidler photo

Oliver Treidler (TP&C)

Dr. Oliver Treidler is the founder and CEO of Berlin-based TP&C GmbH. He specializes in providing pragmatic transfer pricing solutions to his clients. Prior to founding TP&C in 2017, Oliver was a Senior Manager for transfer pricing with Mazars. During his transfer pricing journey, he has also worked for Deloitte and PwC.

Oliver regularly publishes on transfer pricing issues and is also active as guest lecturer at universities as well as transfer pricing seminars. He holds a doctoral degree in economics from University of Würzburg, Germany.

You can reach Oliver at

Richard Anton photo

Richard Anton (Amazon)

Richard is a Principal Software Development Engineer in the Devices, Audio, Video, and Digital Advertising org at Amazon. He has been developing software for 25+ years and has spent the last 13 years working on the development and operations of distributed systems at Amazon and Google as both a software developer and site reliability engineer. Richard’s focus is on improving developer experience within Amazon Advertising teams through better collaboration, automation, and observability.

Russell Rutledge photo

Russell Rutledge (WellSky)

Russ Rutledge is the Senior Director of InnerSource and Collaboration at WellSky, a leading technology company offering a range of software solutions that help organizations across the healthcare continuum. In this role, Russ is leading a transformational change in the company towards broad and pervasive InnerSource as the normal way that work gets done. Russ’s drive and passion is to enable all software engineers to achieve incredible technical and business throughput via quality tooling and streamlined work process.

Russ is a founding member of the InnerSource Commons Foundation and currently serves as the foundation assistant secretary. Previously, Russ founded and led the Developer Collaboration effort at Nike. He began his career as an engineer on feature and infrastructure development on the Outlook and OneDrive consumer websites at Microsoft.

Sebastian Spier photo

Sebastian Spier (Meltwater)

Sebastian Spier is Director of Engineering Programs. He is working on tools and methods to improve the daily work of 500+ colleagues, removing frictions wherever possible. He sees InnerSource as a central building block to support successful collaboration in distributed teams. As a member of the InnerSource Commons Foundation, he is maintaining the collection of InnerSource Patterns. He is always looking to help others to use and improve these patterns.

Shagun Bose photo

Shagun Bose (Intuit)

Shagun Bose is a full-stack engineer at Intuit. She is passionate about building a strong engineering culture and helping teams collaborate with each other. She scaled the adoption of InnerSource at Intuit by building a data pipeline to collect metrics and monitor the health of the program.

Presently she works to advocate for and educate new hires about InnerSource. In the last year and a half, she has taught 20+ sessions with over 1,000 engineers. She is a co-chair of the Open Source track at Grace Hopper Celebration and spearheaded the production of the largest hackathon celebrating women in open source.

When away from her keyboard, she likes to engage in creative pursuits like singing and painting.

Shruti Bist photo

Shruti Bist (VMware)

Shruti is the Program Manager for InnerSource Program Office at VMware and helps drive InnerSource strategic initiatives across the company. She leads the program outreach, project onboarding, and community building while working with the teams to support their projects' adoption and discovery through the InnerSource partnership.

Simon Wardley photo

Simon Wardley (DXC Leading Edge)

Simon is a former CEO, former advisory board member of startups (all now acquired by US Giants), a fellow of Open Europe, inventor of Wardley Mapping, a regular conference speaker and a researcher for the Leading Edge Forum.

He uses mapping in his research for the LEF covering areas from Serverless to Nation State competition whilst also advising/teaching LEF clients on mapping, strategy, organisation and leadership.

Suzanne Daniels photo

Suzanne Daniels (

Suzanne’s passion is finding ways to help developers and engineers get the tools and skills to do what they do best: creating the software this world runs on while trying to innovate and make sense of buzzwords at the same time. Before she went into Developer Relations, she was an advisor and consultant for organizations on digital transformation, software development and adoption of (cloud)technologies. Before that she was a developer and consultant on developer & application platforms. Suzanne emcees/hosts at events and is a speaker on both technical topics and more in general on transformation & innovation. Also, she organizes meetups and events about D&I, a11y, Azure, developer technologies and Open Source.

Tom Sadler photo

Tom Sadler (BBC)

Tom Sadler is a Principal Software Engineer for BBC iPlayer & Sounds, working in the connected TV space, and a Director and Secretary of the InnerSource Commons Foundation. He is a leader in InnerSource practices within iPlayer and Sounds and across the wider BBC, and a Trusted Committer on the InnerSource Learning Path project. Tom has spoken on InnerSource at OSCON 2019, Linux Foundation cdCon 2022, and various InnerSource Commons events.

Yaryna Hotlib photo

Yaryna Hotlib (Playtika)

Yaryna Hotlib is a Group Manager in Playtika. Israel-based digital entertainment company specializing in developing and publishing mobile casino games. Playtika had over 35+ million monthly active users, and 4k employees who are delivering value in 17 different locations. Yaryna is leading InnerSource and Community Initiatives in Playtika.

Always focusing on enabling collaboration between engineering teams and improvement of developers' experience, Yaryna’s career has come full circle starting from managing scaled, distributed teams, to leading a product management division and now using this foundational knowledge to create empowering environment, where emerge high-quality re-usable components and holistic product solutions.

Yuki Hattori photo

Yuki Hattori (Microsoft)

Yuki Hattori is a Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft and has been leading the Azure DevOps and GitHub penetration and InnerSource promotion in Japan. Yuki has been expanding InnerSource in Japan by launching the InnerSource Commons Japan community in 2022, translating content, and hosting sessions.

What is the InnerSource Commons?

The InnerSource Commons ( aka ISC is a consortium of representatives from over 500 companies and institutions. It utilizes open source methods to provide organizations pursuing inner sourcing a forum for discussing and improving the practice of InnerSource through the sharing of experiences (under the Chatham House Rule), creation and review of InnerSource patterns, and the open exchange of ideas.

Code of Conduct

All participants, vendors, and guests at InnerSource Commons events are required to abide by the code of conduct. All related conversations in the InnerSource Slack Channel will still be considered to fall under Chatham House Rules: information discussed can be shared but not attributed. Interested in getting involved? Email or join the conversation on the #innersourcecommons slack channel!