Join us on Tuesday, October 8th, at 8am GMT / 9am CEST / 12:30pm IST / 6pm AEDT when Vincent Caldeira, Red Hat, Clemens Jütte, Humanitec, and Luiz Fernando Almeida de Oliveira, Red Hat, will discuss Promoting InnerSource Practices with an Internal Developer Platform.

Contributor Ethos

In the last segment we have outlined why you would want to reuse components and become active as a Contributor. This article shares best practices on how to successfully contribute your changes to the host team’s code base.

An InnerSource Contributor trying to make a contribution to the host team is essentially a guest in their home. In general, a good guest is expected to behave in a certain way:

  • They knock at the door.

  • They anticipate and follow house rules.

  • They understand they are not the home owner and act accordingly.

How do these expectations apply to InnerSource projects?

Getting in

When visiting your neighbors, you will likely not enter their home without knocking or ringing the door bell even if the door is open. Likewise in InnerSource as a visitor you won’t be able (or invited) to commit directly to any code repository.

Instead, after making your changes to the codebase you’ll submit them as a pull request. Much like you wouldn’t go about making large changes and what you consider improvements to your neighbors home, in InnerSource you will anticipate and follow the project’s collaboration guidelines. In turn, your hosts will show you the way - in InnerSource that translates to existing trusted committers spending their time to mentor guests.

What about those lovely summer parties that you went to? There is usually some planning ahead of time to choose the right date and time, to prepare enough food, or to have it contributed by guests. The same happens for bigger changes in InnerSource projects: a project will likely ask you to submit an issue describing your need and your proposed solution before making a large modification. Spending time on initial design instead of jumping right into the implementation saves contributors from having to redo a lot of their work. Sharing progress early - even when it’s not finished yet - helps the host team to mentor the Contributor towards a better solution. Much like Yonik’s law of unfinished patches explains: "A half-baked patch in Jira, with no documentation, no tests and no backwards compatibility is better than no patch at all."

Does that imply that InnerSource projects place no value on face to face communication? Not quite: there is value in meeting participants face to face. Remember that all written communication lacks a lot of bandwidth compared to meeting in person: there are no gestures, no mimics, not even the tone of voice to help with understanding. In-person meetings are particularly valuable for interpersonal challenges, resolving conflicts and misunderstanding. However, communication about project decisions should be kept in writing, so that others can follow along and influence the project, and even years later it’s possible to trace why a certain decision was made.

Here’s my general rule of thumb: feel free to meet over coffee. Often that helps build a stronger team, especially when the team is split into multiple physical locations. Do make sure though that all decisions are made in a transparent and asynchronous way so that everyone - including those lurking in on your conversation - can jump in and become active contributors. One example of just how far one can take open decision making is explained in several exercises in the Open Organization Workbook.

Now, how do you figure out where an InnerSource project would like to discuss changes and future direction of the project? Many InnerSource projects outline how they like to be approached by potential Contributors in their If that document becomes too large to handle, contribution guidelines tend to be split out into a file named files. Following those recommendations greatly helps Contributors selling their offer.

In all of these interactions, be prepared to "sell" your contribution to the host team. Articulate the value that the contribution will bring to their ecosystem.

The host team will be the one taking over maintenance for your changes. It makes sense to offer to fulfill a 30-day warranty on your submission. This can alleviate the host team’s fear of the Contributors not being available for support with fixing bugs after the time on contribution.

Anticipate and follow house rules

When you are visiting your neighbors, they will likely help you around in their apartment: they’ll show you the way to their living room and where the restroom is located. If you’re staying longer, they will probably give you more details: in my case an example would be to avoid turning on the dishwasher and the electric kettle at the same time to avoid blowing the fuse.

Similarly, every software system comes with its own quirks and intricacies. Often the most obvious ones are well documented. In smaller projects this documentation can be found in the In larger ones, contribution specific documentation can often be found in the document.

In these files you can expect to find information on how to check out and build the project, how to run the test suite, how to submit changes to the project. It may point you to further documentation if it deviates largely from standard tooling - or if there are things you should keep in mind when making changes.

Going through that documentation usually turns out to be a huge time saver as it stops you from going down the wrong path and warns you about dead ends. If you find that things are missing from it based on your experience - patches to that documentation are typically very welcome: there’s nobody better suited to improve it than a new contributor who sees the project for the first time.

Try to figure out together with the project in their preferred communication channel if the changes you have in mind make sense overall. At the beginning it can be scary to have these conversations in a company public medium that is archived and searchable. The benefit here is with others coming after you with similar proposals: instead of walking the exact same path again, they can learn what was already discussed, and start from there.

Understand they are not the home owner and act accordingly.

Being a Contributor essentially means being closer to the host team than someone merely requesting a feature. Still, Contributors are not accountable for the software project to which they are contributing.

As a result, the final call on what the contribution must look like is with the host team. It helps to approach the host team with a humble mindset, with the assumption that all are collaborating towards the purpose of the shared organization. It helps to be open and transparent - not only about what was implemented and how, but also why the change was needed.

Treat any feedback as a gift: others are trying to improve your solution, saving you from trouble further down the road.

There is a chance that the host team does not accept your contribution at all. In that case it helps to work with the team, figure out if there is a sub aspect of your need that can be solved in their project. Collaborate on that sub aspect, and then find another way to solve the remaining issues on your end.

Summary of this segment

In this segment we have learned how to best approach an InnerSource project as a Contributor. We also looked at how to best communicate our need for the change and work on the solution together with the host team.
