Join us on Tuesday, October 8th, at 8am GMT / 9am CEST / 12:30pm IST / 6pm AEDT when Vincent Caldeira, Red Hat, Clemens Jütte, Humanitec, and Luiz Fernando Almeida de Oliveira, Red Hat, will discuss Promoting InnerSource Practices with an Internal Developer Platform.

Spring Summit 2020

Spring Summit 2020

14th to 15th April 2020, online

The 10th InnerSource Commons Summit took place in your living room! ;) We went virtual - see details below. All the summit talks are now available on the InnerSource Commons YouTube channel!

The following information is for reference purposes only.

We are all exploring new ways to get together and keep advancing in the body of knowledge of InnerSource. Nowadays and in this industry, it is more and more important to successfully work remotely and across different geographical areas. This online event has this in mind and we hope to learn from each other, what it is working and what it is not.

These two days will be a three hours slot taking place from 4 pm CET till 7 pm Central European Time, / 9 am and noon Central Time / 7 am and 10 am Pacific Time / 10 pm and 1 am China Standard Time.

The day will be split as a sandwich, where talks will be the bread and discussions the yummi yummi part. We are expecting to have two keynotes per day (up to 25 minutes each), and four lightning talks (up to 15 minutes each). These will be initially pre-recorded and discussions will take place in the InnerSource Commons Slack. Right in the middle we will have a break and two breakout sessions with live interactions.

We’re planning to have a contest as well as icebreaker during the first moments of this, do not miss this!

COVID-19 and InnerSource Commons current Status

As of now, the InnerSource Commons Madrid Summit is taking place. However, not in Madrid, Spain.

The current situation as you all know has quickly evolved and we all need to be socially responsible. Our first priority is the safety of everyone and we have decided to celebrate the April meeting as a virtual meeting where we all can keep collaborating, and learning from each other.

If you have already registered and paid for the ticket entry, you have several options:

  • We do a refunding as soon as we get notified by you.
  • You are still interested in participating. For this, we would like to ask you to support the InnerSource Commons. We ask for a small fee and you will get a t-shirt and some stickers.
  • If you already bought a ticket with the higher fee, you can donate the difference of ~20EUR to the InnerSource Commons. In this case: Thank you!
  • If you already bought a ticket with the higher fee, you can also get a partial refund of the difference.


The following agenda is based in Central European Time and this will take place between 3:50 pm and 7:05 pm (3.25 hours in total). Both days, 14th and 15th of April will use the timeslot. By the time of the conference, the following are some examples of translated times to other timezones:

Example of time differences in other timezones for the first day of conference:

  • China Standard Time: 09:50 pm 14th April - 01:05 am 15th April
  • Coordinated Universal Time: 1:50 pm - 5:05 pm 14th April
  • Eastern Time: 09:50 am - 1:05 pm 14th April
  • Pacific Time: 6:50 am - 10:05 am 14th April

Agenda (Click title to watch on our YouTube Channel)

Tuesday, April 14th

15:50 - 16:05 Daniel Izquierdo Cortázar Welcome to InnerSource Commons Online Spring Summit 2020!
16:05 - 16:25 Danese Cooper (NearForm) The Inevitability of InnerSource Keynote: (Show Abstract)
16:25 - 16:40 Michael Graf (SAP)
Guilherme Dellagustin (SAP)
Growing an InnerSource culture at SAP (Show Abstract)
16:40 - 16:55 Dmitrii Sugrobov (Leroy Merlin) Global InnerSource adoption at once: lessons learned (Show Abstract)
16:55 - 17:05 Coffee Cup Contest & Breakouts/Unconference Set-up
17:05 - 17:15 Break/Coffee
17:15 - 17:55 Open Discussions and Unconference Sessions
  • Channel 1: First Steps with InnerSource
  • Channel 2: Sharing Experiences
  • Channel 3: Processes and Tools
  • Channel 4: Unconference Session
  • Channel 5: Unconference Session
17:55 - 18:00 Welcome Back/Coffee Break
18:00 - 18:15 Katrina Novakovic (Red Hat) Does your organisation need to change its culture to improve Inner Source adoption? (Show Abstract)
18:15 - 18:30 Max Capraro (Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Johannes Tigges (InnerSource Commons)
Introduction to InnerSource Patterns (Show Abstract)
18:30 - 18:50 Nithya Ruff (Comcast) InnerSource at Comcast Keynote: (Show Abstract)
18:50 - 19:05 Wrap Up: Day Summary and Highlights

Wednesday, April 15th

15:50 - 16:05 Danese Cooper & Georg Grütter The Evolution of InnerSource Commons
16:05 - 16:25 Isabel Drost-Fromm (Europace AG) Dealing with Growth, How InnerSource helps Keynote: (Show Abstract)
16:25 - 16:40 Kristof Van Tomme (Pronovix Group BVBA) The role of InnerSourcing in Digital Transformation (Show Abstract)
16:40 - 16:55 Jerry Tan (Baidu) Practice of InnerSource in several Chinese companies (Show Abstract)
16:55 - 17:05 Cake in a Cup Challenge & Breakout/Unconference Set-up
17:05 - 17:15 Break/Coffee
17:15 - 17:55 Open Discussions and Unconference Sessions
  • Channel 1: Digital Transformation
  • Channel 2: InnerSource Patterns
  • Channel 3: InnerSource and Open Source
  • Channel 4: Unconference Session
  • Channel 5: Unconference Session
17:55 - 18:00 Welcome Back/Coffee Break
18:00 - 18:15 Ana Jiménez (Bitergia)
José Manrique López (Bitergia)
DevRel inside corporate walls (Show Abstract)
18:15 - 18:30 Thomas Sadler (BBC) Implementing InnerSource for a monolithic web client codebase (Show Abstract)
18:30 - 18:50 Georg Grütter (Robert Bosch) InnerSource and open source: The same but different? Keynote: (Show Abstract)
18:50 - 19:05 Wrap Up: Day Summary and Highlights


Registration is already open! We are using Brown Paper Tickets for this process. Please notice that taxes will be added on top of the sales process. There is a fix rate of 30€ that includes taxes, and a t-shirt and stickers that we will send as soon as possible.


We are delighted to welcome Danese Cooper (VP of Special Initiatives at NearForm), and Nithya Ruff (Head of Comcast’s Open Source Program Office) as our keynote speakers for the first day. And Isabel Drost-Fromm (Open Source Strategist at Europace AG) and Georg Grütter (Social Coding Evangelist and Developer Advocate at Bosch.IO) as our keynote speakers during the second day!

Keynote Speakers

Danese Cooper photo

Danese Cooper

Danese Cooper is vice president of special initiatives at NearForm, an Irish tech firm. Previously, she was head of open source software at PayPal, CTO of the Wikimedia Foundation, chief open source evangelist for Sun, and senior director of open source strategies for Intel. Danese was also the inaugural chairperson of the Node.js Foundation. She concentrates on creating healthy open source communities and has served on the boards of Drupal Association, the Open Source Initiative, the Open Source Hardware Association, and she’s advised Mozilla and the Apache Software Foundation. Danese also runs a successful open source consultancy that counts the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the SETI Institute, Harris, and Numenta as clients. She’s been known to knit through meetings.

Isabel Drost-Fromm photo

Isabel Drost-Fromm

Isabel Drost-Fromm is Open Source Strategist at Europace AG Germany. She’s a member of the Apache Software Foundation, co-founder of Apache Mahout and mentored several incubating projects. Isabel is interested in all things FOSS, search and text mining with a decent machine learning background. True to the nature of people living in Berlin she loves having friends fly in for a brief visit - as a result she co-founded and is still one of the creative heads behind Berlin Buzzwords, a tech conference on all things search, scale and storage.

Georg Grütter photo

Georg Grütter

Georg Grütter is a social coding evangelist and developer advocate at Bosch.IO. He cofounded and led the first InnerSource community at Bosch. Georg is a passionate software developer with over 30 years of experience. Previously, he held various positions and roles at Bosch, Line Information, the Zurich System House, and DaimlerChrysler. Georg has created two open source projects, XHSI and stashNotifier. He’s an avid recumbent cyclist and mountain biker who also loves photography and chocolate.

Nithya Ruff photo

Nithya Ruff

Nithya A. Ruff is the Head of Comcast’s Open Source Program Office. She is responsible for growing Open Source culture inside of Comcast and engagement with external communities. Prior to this, she started and grew Western Digital’s Open Source Strategy Office. She first glimpsed the power of open source while at SGI in the 90s and has been building bridges between companies and the open source community ever since. She’s also held leadership positions at Wind, Synopsys, Avaya, Tripwire and Eastman Kodak. At Wind, she led a team of product managers in managing a world class embedded Linux distribution and was a key member of the Yocto Project advocacy team on the board. Nithya has been director-at-large on the Linux Foundation Board for the last 3 years and was recently elected to be Chair of the Linux Foundation Board.

Nithya has been a passionate advocate and a speaker for opening doors to new people in Open Source for many years. She has also been a promoter of valuing diverse ways of contributing to open source such as in marketing, legal and community. You can often find her on social media promoting dialogue on diversity and open source.

Conference Speakers

Maximilian Capraro photo

Maximilian Capraro

Maximilian Capraro is a researcher and doctoral candidate at the Open Source Research Group at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg. He worked on inner source in research projects with a variety of companies including Black Duck Software, Continental, and multiple Siemens business units. He developed the patch-flow measurement method (for measuring software development collaboration) and the first classification framework for inner source projects and programs. His research interests the quantification of software development collaboration, inner source governance including legal and taxation aspects, and many other things around inner source, open source, and software engineering.

Guilherme Dellagustin photo

Guilherme Dellagustin

Guilherme is a multipurpose developer at SAP, Globalization Services, passionate about everything in software, especially in InnerSource and Open Source.
Find him on GitHub (dellagustin and dellagustin-sap), Twitter (@dellagustindev) and LinkedIn (dellagustin).

Michael Graf photo

Michael Graf

Michael is software developer at SAP and Open Source enthusiast. He loves evangelizing technology, sharing knowledge, and collaborating with the community.

Ana Jiménez Santamaría photo

Ana Jiménez Santamaría

Ana is currently working at Bitergia, a Software Development Analytics firm specialized in Open Source and InnerSource projects, while studying for her master’s in Data Science. As a software marketing specialist and data nerd, Ana is really interested in DevRel community, Open Source and community metrics.

She has been a speaker at international conferences such as DevRelCon Tokyo and London 2019 or past Innersource Commons Summit editions.

José Manrique López photo

José Manrique López

Manrique is the CEO and shareholder in Bitergia and a free, libre, open source software development communities passionate. He is a graduate Industrial Engineer with research and development experience from the Technological Center for Computer Science and Communications of the Principality of Asturias (CTIC), W3C working groups, Ándago Engineering, and Continua Health Alliance. Former executive director of the Spanish Open Source Enterprises Association (ASOLIF), and expert consultant for the Spanish National Open Source Reference Center (CENATIC). Involved in several communities related to free, libre, open source software he is currently active in GrimoireLab and CHAOSS(Community Health Analytics for Open Source Software). He has been recognized as AWS Data Hero and GitLab Community Hero. You can reach him on Twitter as @jsmanrique, and when he is not online he loves to spend time with his family and surfing.

Katrina Novakovic photo

Katrina Novakovic

Katrina is a business architect in the Red Hat EMEA Office of Technology, working with organisations to strategically use open source software and methodologies and to establish communities. She guides customers through the process and cultural changes needed for digital transformation and technology adoption. Katrina is passionate about sharing best practices around the people, process and cultural aspects of Open Source. She’s also advised organisations on Inner Source adoption.

Thomas Sadler photo

Thomas Sadler

Tom Sadler is a Software Engineering Team Lead for BBC iPlayer, specialising in media playback for connected TV browsers. He has advocated for supporting open source projects, including the BBC’s TV Application Layer and bigscreen-player, and lead on collaboration between teams.

Dmitrii Sugrobov photo

Dmitrii Sugrobov

Dmitrii is a software engineer, DevOps believer, evangelist at Leroy Merlin. Leroy Merlin is a DIY retail company that is part of the Adeo group with a presence in 15 countries. InnerSource is one of the key directions in software development across all business units of the company. Dmitrii improves the processes associated with the life of the code during and after its being crafted. Believes that the time of lone programmers is long gone. Speaker of various conferences across Russia and France.

Jerry Tan photo

Jerry Tan

OSPO of Baidu.Inc, over 20 years working experience with OSS, committer of Mozilla/Gnome/apache, speaker of OSCON/ApacheCON/Open Source Summit, advocate of InnerSource in China, has formed a group in China to discuss InnerSource practices.

Johannes Tigges photo

Johannes Tigges

Johannes is a co-creator of the InnerSource Commons Learning Path and has worked on introducing InnerSource to HERE Technologies, a leading digital map and location company. Currently he offers consulting on topics around open collaboration, automation, and everything open. Aside of that he works as lecturer and delivers technical trainings. He presents his work and thoughts at industry conferences like the FOSDEM or the InnerSource Commons Summit and is active in Open Source communities since a long time. With a background in both computer science and sociology of organization he has a unique perspective on software engineering organizations. In past roles, he has worked on introducing Continuous Integration and Delivery to large research institutions, in DevOps roles for very large cloud based platforms and developed software within the Telco domain.

Kristof van Tomme photo

Kristof van Tomme

Kristof Van Tomme is an open source strategist and architect. He is the CEO and co-founder of Pronovix. He’s got a degree in bioengineering and is a regular speaker at conferences in the API, DevRel, and technical writing communities. For a few years now he’s been building bridges between the documentation and Drupal community. He is co-organiser of the London Write the Docs meetup, and cheerleader for the Amsterdam Write the Docs meetup group. After his first two InnerSourcing Conferences, Kristof got really excited about pattern languages and how they can be applied to help teams develop better documentation despite the constraints that exist for internal software programs.

What is the InnerSource Commons?

The InnerSource Commons ( aka ISC is a consortium of representatives from almost a hundred companies and institutions. It utilizes open source methods to provide organizations pursuing inner sourcing a forum for discussing and improving the practice of InnerSource through the sharing of experiences (under the Chatham House Rule), creation and review of InnerSource patterns, and the open exchange of ideas.

Who should attend?

The InnerSource Common Summits welcomes software professionals at all levels, from executive level manager to software developer. The program targets software development managers and executive managers in particular because adopting InnerSource requires significant efforts to make changes in the organization—whether these are implemented top-down or bottom-up. If you or your organization is adopting, or considering adopting, InnerSource, then attending the InnerSource Summit is the best thing you can do.

What will I get from this event?

The three key reasons to attend the InnerSource Common Summits are:

  • Learn from others who are on the journey of InnerSource adoption
  • Share your experiences and get help with your challenges
  • Network, network, network! The InnerSource Commons is an excellent place to network with likeminded people, all of whom are passionate about making InnerSource a success in their respective organizations!


The summit is hosted online. Instructions will be provided to all speakers and attendees.

Call For Sponsorship

We invite interested organisations and companies to sponsor this renowned event. These summits provide a basis to encourage InnerSource practitioners to share their experiences and to collaborate with each other on improving InnerSource. If interested in sponsoring this event, please contact Dr. Daniel Izquierdo for more details (

The sponsoring prospectus is available here.

Call For Presentations

Call for presentations is already closed, thanks for your interest.

Code of Conduct

All participants, vendors, and guests at InnerSource Commons events are required to abide by the code of conduct.

InnerSource Commons meetings and events run under the Chatham House Rule: information discussed at a meeting can be shared but not attributed.

Interested in getting involved? Email or join the conversation on the #innersourcecommons slack channel!