Join us on Tuesday, October 8th, at 8am GMT / 9am CEST / 12:30pm IST / 6pm AEDT when Vincent Caldeira, Red Hat, Clemens Jütte, Humanitec, and Luiz Fernando Almeida de Oliveira, Red Hat, will discuss Promoting InnerSource Practices with an Internal Developer Platform.

New Members Appointed to the InnerSource Commons Foundation

New Members Appointed to the InnerSource Commons Foundation

May, 2022

We are delighted to announce the election of new InnerSource Commons Foundation Members: Matt Cobby, Cristina Coffey, Zack Koppert, Mishari Muqbil and Igor Zubiaurre.

The InnerSource Commons (ISC) community is open to all. However, some community participants go above and beyond, and may be invited to become an ISC Foundation Member. The InnerSource Commons is a membership corporation, so ISC Members serve a similar role as shareholders in publicly traded corporations.

“Congratulations to our latest set of InnerSource Commons members. All the new Members have given back to the InnerSource community in a wide variety of ways. We are very grateful for their sustained contribution to the InnerSource Commons and delighted to welcome them as Members of the Foundation.” said Isabel Drost-Fromm, President of The InnerSource Commons.

“From the very early days of InnerSource Commons, we decided the Foundation should be owned and run by those who contribute the most. Following the practice of the Apache Software Foundation, our Members annually nominate and vote to invite those contributors who have shown through their actions an interest in sustaining the Foundation to formally join us as new Members. It is wonderful to see our list of Members grow year on year.” said Danese Cooper, Chairperson and Founder of InnerSource Commons. Membership in The InnerSource Commons is by invitation only. Existing members propose and vote on candidates for membership. Membership is purely merit-based, and restricted to individuals. You can find the full list of InnerSource Commons Members at

About InnerSource Commons

A InnerSource Commons é a maior comunidade mundial de praticantes de InnerSource. É dedicada à criação e compartilhamento de conhecimento sobre InnerSource, o uso das melhores práticas de código aberto para o desenvolvimento de software dentro dos limites de uma organização.
Fundada em 2015, a InnerSource Commons agora apoia e conecta mais de 2000 indivíduos de mais de 750 empresas, instituições acadêmicas e agências governamentais. A InnerSource Commons Foundation foi incorporada em 19 de fevereiro de 2020 e agora é uma instituição de caridade pública 501(c)(3).

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May 3, 2022