Join us on Tuesday, October 8th, at 8am GMT / 9am CEST / 12:30pm IST / 6pm AEDT when Vincent Caldeira, Red Hat, Clemens Jütte, Humanitec, and Luiz Fernando Almeida de Oliveira, Red Hat, will discuss Promoting InnerSource Practices with an Internal Developer Platform.

Board & Governance

InnerSource Commons is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization governed by a set of corporate bylaws. The Board of Directors sets the policy and appoints officers that set and execute policy. The Board is elected by the Membership on a yearly basis. InnerSource Commons is incorporated in the US. As the community grows, we anticipate to found sister organizations in the European Union, Latin America, and other parts of the world.

Board of Directors:

Here is our current Board of Directors, including the official roles they have been elected to fulfill.

Daniel Izquierdo Cortázar

Daniel Izquierdo Cortázar


Daniel Izquierdo Cortázar is a researcher and one of the founders of Bitergia, a company that provides software analytics for open source ecosystems. Currently the Chief Data Officer at Bitergia, he is focused on the quality of the data; research of new metrics, analysis; and studies of interest for Bitergia customers via data mining and processing. Daniel holds a PhD in free software engineering from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, where he focused on the analysis of buggy developer activity patterns in the Mozilla Community. Daniel serves on the Board and is a Member of the InnerSource Commons.

Yuki Hattori

Yuki Hattori

Vice President

Yuki Hattori is a Senior Architect at GitHub with a strong background in cloud technology and DevOps. He enjoys helping customers optimize their services and processes. As a proponent of InnerSource, Yuki is leading in the InnerSource downstream movement and also serves as a community organizer in Japan. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and contributing to the growth of the InnerSource community.

Matt Cobby

Matt Cobby


For most of his career, Matt Cobby’s mission has been to improve the daily lives of software engineering teams, wrangling people and technology through engineering enablement. He is a veteran of developer experience over the past eight years and believes that InnerSource is a key factor in building a good developer experience. Previously a Director of Engineering for Deloitte, Matt consulted with technology executives on engineering strategy and has also worked with RWE Supply and Trading, BP, Shell and National Australia Bank where he ran a large scale InnerSource program. With over 20+ years transformation experience in the UK, Europe and Australia, Matt has a passion for mentoring engineers towards engineering excellence and is an active supporter of technical and local communities. Matt serves on the board and is a Member of the InnerSource Commons.

Katie Schueths

Katie Schueths

Assistant Secretary

Katie Schueths leads the InnerSource program at Analog Devices Inc (ADI). She is building an InnerSource framework at ADI to help improve collaboration, code reuse, and documentation across their engineering organization. Previously, she started the InnerSource program at Indeed. She is part of the InnerSource Commons Marketing Group, helping to plan monthly community calls and events. In her free time, Katie enjoys running operational logistics for volunteer-led community arts events.

Tom Sadler

Tom Sadler


Tom Sadler is a Principal Software Engineer for BBC iPlayer and Sounds, working in the connected TV space and focusing on cross-team collaboration, including InnerSource. Tom has been involved with InnerSource Commons since 2019, speaking at multiple community events. He is a Trusted Committer on the InnerSource Learning Path project, and the Lead on publishing the Learning Path to

Georg Grütter

Georg Grütter

Assistant Treasurer

Georg Grütter is an InnerSource evangelist and Developer Advocate at Robert Bosch. He co-founded and led the first InnerSource community at Bosch in 2009 and also co-founded the InnerSource Commons Foundation in 2020. Previously, he held various positions and roles at Robert Bosch, Line Information, the Zurich System House, and DaimlerChrysler. Georg is passionate about sharing his enthusiasm for InnerSource and loves to inspire developers and companies to engage with InnerSource.

Danese Cooper

Danese Cooper

Danese Cooper is the founder of InnerSource Commons. She is a long term open source advocate, having previously served as the Head of open source software at PayPal, CTO of the Wikimedia Foundation, Chief Open Source Evangelist for Sun, and Senior Director of open source strategies for Intel. Danese was also the inaugural chairperson of the Node.js Foundation. She concentrates on creating healthy open source communities and has served on the Boards of the Drupal Association, the Open Source Initiative and the Open Source Hardware Association. She has also advised Mozilla and the Apache Software Foundation. Danese runs a successful open source consultancy that counts the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the SETI Institute, Harris, and Numenta as clients. She has been known to knit through meetings.

Clare Dillon

Clare Dillon

With over 25 years' experience in the technology industry, Clare Dillon is currently a researcher with Lero, the Science Foundation Ireland's Research Centre for Software, where she focuses on InnerSource. Clare also works with CURIOSS, a global community for university and research institution OSPOs (Open Source Program Offices). Clare has been participating in the InnerSource Commons community since 2019. From 2021-2023, Clare served as the inaugural Executive Director of the InnerSource Commons Foundation. Previously, Clare was a member of the Microsoft Ireland Leadership Team for eight years; heading up their Developer Evangelism Group. Clare is also a certified coach and frequently speaks at international conferences and corporate events on topics relating to open collaboration and the future of work.

Sebastian Spier

Sebastian Spier

Over his 15 years journey in software development, Sebastian Spier has worked as an individual contributor, agile coach, team lead, product owner, engineering manager, and director of engineering. No matter the role or team; effective cross-team collaboration has been key to getting things done at organizations of any size. For Sebastian, InnerSource is more than just a concept – it's a powerful enabler and a transformative teaching tool for fostering collaboration across teams. He firmly believes that it holds the key to empowering organizations to deliver exceptional value to their customers, cultivating a workforce that is not only more content but also highly engaged. In his vision, InnerSource is a pathway towards a more connected company. As a member of the InnerSource Commons Foundation, Sebastian maintains the collection of InnerSource Patterns. He is always looking for ways to support others to use the patterns in their organizations and to share their own experiences in the form of patterns.

Past Directors and Officers:

These fine people have served on our Board in previous years and we are listing them here to show our gratitude for their work. Thank you for your dedication to InnerSource and your active support of the InnerSource Commons Foundation!

Silona Bonewald

Silona Bonewald

Silona Bonewald is the Executive Director for IEEE SA OPEN, a comprehensive platform offering the open source community cost-effective options for developing and validating their projects. Previously she was vice president of community architecture at Hyperledger, a global open source collaborative effort hosted by The Linux Foundation, where she integrated leaders in finance, banking, Internet of Things (IoT), supply chains, and manufacturing. Other notable career accomplishments include, while with PayPal, pioneering the InnerSource process; for Siemens AG, creating a cutting-edge and Six Sigma-compliant e-commerce website; and for Ubisoft, creating an international content management system (CMS) architecture.

Maximilian Capraro

Maximilian Capraro

Maximilian Capraro is a researcher and doctoral candidate at the Open Source Research Group at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg. He worked on inner source in research projects with a variety of companies including Black Duck Software, Continental, and multiple Siemens business units. He developed the patch-flow measurement method (for measuring software development collaboration) and the first classification framework for inner source projects and programs. His research interests the quantification of software development collaboration, inner source governance including legal and taxation aspects, and many other things around inner source, open source, and software engineering.

Isabel Drost-Fromm

Isabel Drost-Fromm

Isabel Drost-Fromm is Open Source Strategist at Europace AG Germany. She`s a member of the Apache Software Foundation, co-founder of Apache Mahout and mentored several incubating projects. Isabel is interested in all things FOSS, search and text mining with a decent machine learning background. True to the nature of people living in Berlin she loves having friends fly in for a brief visit - as a result she co-founded and is still one of the creative heads behind Berlin Buzzwords, a tech conference on all things search, scale and storage.

Jacob Green

Jacob Green

Jacob Green, the founder of, is an open source artist, strategist & systems builder working to expand the impact and application of Open Source in society globally. Hailing from Baltimore, passionate about open source in cities & universities, and working to connect institutions via open source. Prior to, Jacob was Director of Strategic Initiatives at LTNGlobal, building a unique global video transport network from the ground up and from first principles.

Klaas-Jan Stol

Klaas-Jan Stol

Klaas-Jan Stol is a lecturer with University College Cork, Ireland, a Funded Investigator with Lero, the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software, and a Scientific Advisor with SINTEF, Norway. As an academic, he conducts research on contemporary software development approaches, as well as human and organizational aspects. He has long had an interest in InnerSource, and has published several papers on the topic. Klaas holds a PhD from the University of Limerick.

Russell Rutledge

Russell Rutledge

Russ Rutledge is the Senior Director of InnerSource and Collaboration at WellSky. WellSky is a leading technology company offering a range of software solutions that help organizations across the healthcare continuum. In this role, Russ is leading a transformational change in the company towards broad and pervasive InnerSource as the normal way that work gets done. Previously, Russ founded and led the Developer Collaboration effort at Nike. Russ's drive and passion is to enable all software engineers to achieve incredible technical and business throughput via quality tooling and streamlined work process.

Dmitrii Sugrobov

Dmitrii Sugrobov

Dmitry is an experienced engineering manager in the retail industry, known for his proficiency in leveraging technology to drive innovation and efficiency. Dmitry strongly advocates for InnerSource as the industrial standard of software development, and has led the number of teams in using this approach to continuously improve their practices.

Johannes Tigges

Johannes Tigges

Johannes is a co-creator of the InnerSource Commons Learning Path and has worked on introducing InnerSource to HERE Technologies, a leading digital map and location company. Currently he offers coaching and consulting on Engineering Productivity, Open Source and InnerSource Strategy and OSPO topics as well as cloud solution architecture. He also works as a lecturer and delivers technical training on the topics mentioned above. He presents his work and thoughts at industry conferences like the FOSDEM or the InnerSource Commons Summit and has been active in Open Source communities for a long time. With a background in both computer science and sociology of organizations he has a unique perspective on software engineering organizations. In past roles, he has also worked on introducing Continuous Integration and Delivery to large research institutions, in DevOps roles for very large cloud based platforms and developed software within the Telco domain.

Cedric Williams

Cedric Williams

All of Cedric’s work, personal and professional, has been guided by my desire to improve people's lives - mostly through technology. The possibilities that can be unlocked with software and hardware systems are literally limitless. Each of his engagements has been given me the opportunity to work on that in new ways, some more technology-focused, and some more focused directly on customers. All of them have given him a deep appreciation for the responsibility of technologists to always make sure that what we build makes things better for anyone involved.

Tim Yao

Tim Yao

Tim is a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff and the Product Manager for Nokia Continuous Delivery in Nokia Cloud and Network Services. Over his twenty-plus year career in telecommunications, Tim has held roles in innovation, software testing, system engineering, architecture, and procurement. He served six years on the Alcatel-Lucent FOSS Executive Committee. Tim has experience creating grass roots communities within the company and outside of it; he is a volunteer co-Municipal Liaison for National Novel Writing Month.